“Jack & the Four Beans” is a project based on the pre-production of an animated feature film in its entirety. The goal was to conceive a film in the early stages of development, taking the process from story building, to character creation, all the way to environment brainstorming and teaser animations.


The plot of “Jack & the Four Beans” is a retelling of the classic tale “Jack & the Beanstalk.” We find our hero, Jack, in his home town of Nimbia high above the clouds. When destruction comes to his front door step Jack must come face to face with his destiny. A Giant is wreaking havoc on the surface world below and has stolen the magic beans, a source of power that keeps the world in balance. Jack must find a way down below the clouds, rescue the Goddesses who each hold a sacred bean, and find a way to stop the Giant from causing more chaos.

summer turnaround.jpg
Goddesses of the Four Seasons.jpg

Character development: includes conceptual art as well as turnarounds to see the designs from all angles.

Giant Complete Concept.jpg
All computer animated films need models. She characters got the full 3D treatment. Going from 2d designs to computer model to physical 3D print.

All computer animated films need models. She characters got the full 3D treatment. Going from 2d designs to computer model to physical 3D print.